Taking Stock

The Vespers by Sergei Rachmaninoff – written in 1915 – was first performed in Russia in 1915 to commemorate the soldiers who died in the first World War. Then communism came into power which banned sacred music and it was not again performed for 50 years. It is considered one of the world’s masterpieces.

What a good example this is of how beliefs, especially political beliefs, can keep us from experiencing the beauty that our world has to offer.

This holiday season, I wish for all of you that you will take this time of peace on earth good will to all to stop and to examine beliefs that you hold, about yourself, about others, about spirituality, about politics and/or anything else that separate you from yourself, from others, and/or from the beauty that is around you in all times.

This can be a time to celebrate differences as our teachers and similarities as gifts. Both are freely given to us all if we can but notice.

May we learn never to squander the gifts presented to us. Everything is sacred.

Anne Wilson Schaef

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