We Must Defend and Live our Basic Principles.

Separation of Church and State does not mean the separation of the moral/spiritual from the government. The Republicans are moving further and further from understanding and practicing the separation of church and state. Their interpretation of this very important principle has been to impose a very narrow, prejudicial system on an entire nation that was […]

Wonder Woman and Sheena, Queen of the Jungle

These two women played a significant role in my young life. As I looked around me, almost all of the “important people” seemed to be men, almost all the “wisdom speakers” were men and all of the “leaders” were men. Thank goodness that my home did not mirror these ways of dealing with the world. […]

Ode to Eleanor Roosevelt – First Woman President of the USA

I was born during Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Presidency. Indeed, I was well on my way to being a teenager without knowing any other President. I remember thinking when he died that I did not really know what it was like having anyone else as President. Eleanor was not in the spotlight much and she was […]

The Care and Feeding of Our Souls

The early part of my life was spent in the Bible Belt. As a child, living among the Cherokee version of the teachings of Jesus, I learned that the most important thing in my life was my relationship with my God and the care and feeding of my soul, however best I could do that. […]

Beyond the Fringe

There used to be a wonderful comic group from London in which Dudley Moore got his start. It was called Beyond the Fringe. It was a lot like Saturday Night Live. One of their funniest routines was a skit about the nightly BBC news broadcast during World War II. They always started their newscast with […]

Healing on All Levels

  We as human beings are so constructed as not to be perfect. We are not a mistake and we, and our ancestors, have made many mistakes. Even scientists like Bruce Lipton have become aware, like our ancestors knew, that our DNA not only holds our genetic material for our inherited physical traits, we have […]

The Role of Women and Indigenous People in Personal, Societal and Planetary Transformation

If there is one topic that major political parties, disparate societies, individuals and the entire planet can agree upon it is that homo sapiens have not done a great job of developing creative and functional individuals or societies. Back in the 1970’s, Frank Fools Crow, the great spiritual leader of the Lakota Sioux, said to […]

We Need a Larger Perspective

Sometimes it is easier to grasp personal issues. We can see that we “might” have problems individually and ways of growing and are getting better. Whether it is emotionally, physically, spiritually, or mentally, most of us, if we are at all open, can see that we have “cutting edges” that can be expanded and deepened. […]